My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!

Greetings from Minneapolis!
We're having a beautiful Fall season here in Mpls! We're enjoying watching the colors change and going for long evening w
alks, but we're really looking forward to the snow so we can break out the cross country skis and snowshoes! At REI's scratch-n-dent sale a few weeks ago Ben got a great deal on the ski attachments for Trek's Chariot jogger...bring on the snow!
Heather update...I'm still balancing three days of work a week and staying home two days with Trek. Finally after 9 months I've strapped on the running shoes and am slowly jogging again! My goal is to get
back into triathlons next summer, but I'm just taking it one stride at a time! I think I would drown right now if I attempted to swim.
Ben update...Okontoe hockey league is underway every Tuesday and he's been playing worship at the Bethany House of Prayer on Thursdays. He's also played piano and keyboard at Bethany Church a couple times...he really misses leading, but enjoying none of the pressure being a guest musician!
Maiah is still sweet (sometimes naught
y) Maiah! She's SO excited Mom's jogging again so she can stop with all the digging in the backyard!
Now onto Trek! October 1st he had an EU
A (examination under anesthesia) and had to have the implant put in. There was damage to the optic nerve and the pressure was still quite high. Dr. Grajewski explained that she stitched it closed and then after 4-8 weeks, the stitches dissolve and it begins working. Fast forward to this past Monday, November 5th...Trek had another EUA, she said the right eye looks good, pressure is down and the implant is open and is a good size for his eye, but he did have a pretty long loose stitch that she had to re-do because it was most likely rubbing his eye lid every time he blinked. Unfortunately the left eye's pressure was high again, the eye has grown, but no futher damage to the optic nerve. Therefore, rather than putting the implant in, she did a smaller surgery, similar to his very first surgery. She said if anything, it will help prepare the eye for the implant down the road. His next EUA will be in 4-6 weeks and at that time the left eye may need the implant. He struggled a bit this time coming out of sedation, had a 100 degree temperature for awhile and his heart rate remained high so let's just say it was another long day at the hospital! It's always tough bringing him home with patches and shields, but he's such a tough little guy!
I was able to stay home with him all week because per Dr. G's orders, neither eye should be touched...easier said than don
e! Trek's crawling, climbing, standing unassisted for a few seconds...he's on the move!! He's currently enjoying Mom's homemade sweet potatoes, carrots and beans and loves to suck on Melba Toast!!
We've been so incredibly blessed with l
ove, prayers and support from family, friends and people we won't ever meet. Feel free to click on any of the albums to the side of our main page and it will take you to all of our pictures! Trek's pre-op appointment last week weighed him in at 20.2 lbs and 27 1/2 inches long. We just can't get enough of his cheeks and rolls on his arms and legs! He still struggles being outside in the daylight and honestly it takes its toll sometimes not being able to enjoy the outdoors with him, but God is good and faithful and we know one day Trek will love playing outside...for now nighttime is our friend!
Happy Holidays to all of you!