Trek's truly a gift from the Lord!
These are just some of our favorites,
but if you want more Trek, click on the albums to the left!
He's now smiling and cooing...ahhhh so fun!

Friends Alex and Shelby Oren

ha ha ha alex is having fun!look at me mom...i'm sitting up!
thanks aunt dawnie for having mom and me over to play on tuesdays!
and thanks for letting me nap in shelby's crib!

Easter with Family!

What a good lookin' Family!The Babes: Me...Carly Jo...Samantha Jo
I love my Grandma Brinsko
Uncle Russ, Aunt Loni & Samantha Jo
crazy pirates!
Thanks for traveling from WI and SC for Easter everyone!
...we miss ya'll so much!
Check out the Easter photo album to the left for more Easter fun!
love, Trek cute cousin

The Scheff's

We love Stephanie & Peter!

Grandma Porter

Visiting Uncle Terry

Grandpa Sandberg

Thanks for coming Grandpa!

Mom and Me

Hanging out with Dad

My name is on this bike!

My very first bike ride

Reading time...