What is going on with those Schinke's
Some of you may be wondering what is happening with those Schinke's in MN. Well we will see if we can use this new blog page to help keep you all updated on our lives and what is happening with us. To the left you will see recent photos in the photo section.
As many of you may or may not know we have our new bundle of joy on the way in just a few short months. Heather looks cuter everyday as her tummy grows with little baby boy "T......". Like I would tell you his name yet. You will all have to keep guessing until he enters the world via water.
That's right we are going to be trying to deliver through a water birth. We have visited the hospital we will be at and they have a water birthing suite where we would actually do everything in the same room. It is very nice and we will post pics and hopefully even video when we can.
Other than that things are going well church is going well, and we have had some good growth happening and the music is still great as well.
I have started playing hockey again for the year and have hung up the bike for a while. But I will be back on the trainer shortly, in prep for the next year of racing with the team. Hopefully, I will continue to improve on the results that I had this year.
Heather is very busy with making lists and being very sure we are prepared for our son's entry into this world. So she is scheming looks for the nursery as well as what needs to be done before hand. It is a good thing that God gifted one of us with organizational skills.
We are praying for our son everyday that he will be healthy and grow to be a man of God, and enjoy every part of his life, and even more so we are praying that he will prepare us to be the best parents we can be. Stay tuned and we will give you more info as things change for us.
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