The Schinke Update....
We are having a wonderful summer and are so blessed with an amazing boy!
As a family we've been going for walks and bike rides, bbq-ing with friends, hosting family visitors, lovin' on Trek, and of course watching the Tour de France!
Ben has been racing a lot and having a successful cycling season. He won his first race and some sprints, has been working hard at Lominger, and is an incredible father and husband!
Heather went back to work part-time in May at TranCentral, stays home with Trek on Wednesdays and Fridays (she LOVES those days!) and just continues to be in awe of little Trek!
Trek has been a busy teeth yet BUT he's found his toes, can sit by himself, loves jumping in his johnny jump up, reaches for everything and if he gets it--yep, it's in his mouth immediately! He also has a smile that melts our hearts!
Thanks to everyone who has been able to come meet Trek and hang out...we really appreciate it!
To see more photos of what we've been up to, click on the photo albums to the left!
Also, once you click on an album, you can see all of our pictures from that site...enjoy!
Blessings to you all! Ben, Heather & Trek (a lick from Maiah!)
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