The big day is here. I use a flashlight to test his eyes in the morning to see if God has moved just yet. He decides that instead he wants to shove the light in his mouth and make his whole face glow. How cute!!! We then pack up and head to the hospital about 10 am to get him registered. We arrive and get the paperwork done which is a bit tough as it was scheduled so late the night before. We then play with him in the waiting room for a long
time. Russ and Loni come to sit with us, and they stayed through the whole day. Thank you guys so much it was great to have you there with us. We are then called up and he is changed into hospital standard issue garments. He looks so cute in them and he stays awake and playing with everyone for so long on really no sleep and not much food as his stomach needs to be empty. It is almost as if he knows he has to get all the playing in he can quick. Dr. Bothun then comes and says his and many people begin asking questions and more paperwor
k. It is nice as the OR is quite empty being it is the weekend so it is quite relaxed by all involved. The Dr. leaves again for a bit and then comes back and says, hey since you are all here would it be a great time to lay hands on Trek and pray for him, and so the Dr. actually leads us in a prayer for him and that God would be with Trek and with him as they go through it together.
The time is then here and they take him back and b
egin to put him under, at which point the Dr. would begin the full exam, and then come and talk with us. I am now praying with everything inside of me that he will come back out with the best news I have ever had. That 15min. felt like forever, and then my slight faith crisis begins. The Dr. comes to the waiting room to tell us that everything is as he expected, and that there are actually quite a larger number of tears in his membranes which will always be there, and some of them are across some of his main window of view. God what are you doing to me. We then give him the okay to proceed and they do one eye and then report that all went well and they are moving to eye two. The whole process took about 3 hours, and then he took a bit coming out of sedation so they could take his breathing tube out. The Dr. then meets us again in the waiting room and says that everything went really well and that he is waking up. He then says that it went really well in that for the first time ever, or second we can not remember, he was able to get all the way around 360 degrees in both eyes. He then warns us that our little guy would look like a little bug as he had shields on his eyes. I am then wishing the Dr. would walk faster as we are going back to see him. Then another heart hurter as we see our little guy with wires hooked to him and shields over his eyes. I am overwhelmed to see him move and still sad as he lets out a very what sounds like a raspy whimper, as if to say I am scared and where am I. Mom and Dad please let me hear your voices and hold me close, which is wha
t we both do immediately upon arriving.
Okay, so I will speed up the rest of the story. They have to monitor him for 2 more hours as I hold him and my body is aching as I am not in the best position, but would not dream of letting go of my little boy. It was also special to see Heather nurse him…he was a hungry little guy as it had been 8 hours since he’d had milk! So we had a few other very small issues with parking and other things but we were finally home at about 7pm. We get to bed a little bit later and the night is a bit rough as he wakes up multiple times, which we are so not used to. He has spoiled us so much to this point, but the next night he would well make up for this. We then return to see the doc first thing in the morning. All checks out okay and no infection and we get all the care tips we need and instruction for administering drops. Also, instruction for the shields, which we find out, he would not need all day everyday, especially if we are right by him and can watch his hands. We are then blessed to see his eyes again for a little bit later that day. It is so good to see his little face, and even though it has not even been 12 hours I missed him so much.
I am really going to be brief now. Heather and I both decide to commit the time to him and his recovery and we have both been home from work for the past two days and will probably stay the whole week with him. Monday was okay as he kept his eyes closed till about 1pm and then spent some very funny time jumping in his jumper with his shields on which was so great and we even got some smiles and laughs, but the morning was very tough as he did not open his eyes. Then on Tuesday he seemed to really not want to open his eyes at all and was acting not so great with eating and other things. Just to be safe and feel good, we go and visit the Dr. again and he looks at him and all areas. He says his left eye looks great and the right is still coming along, but hopefully no reason to be concerned just yet. He cannot measure pressure just yet as this scheduled for a month out and he needs to have the healing take place first for a good read. However, he does listen to our concerns about
his behavior and says let’s change up some of the drops a bit as he is doing well and see how that goes and then he will see him on Friday. He will then determine if there is still a good amount of concern and he has not improved, that he will move up the EUA to next week. (Examine Under Anesthesia) at least we think that is what it means. So back home and he then gives us his eyes for a good few hours this evening and late afternoon. So we are hoping all goes well tomorrow and we start to see him turn the corner for the good.
Okay, I think that is everything I can think of, or at least I am tired of typing this whole thing, and you can imagine how many times I have said all this already. Please again feel free to comment or e-mail with questions and prayers. Please, Please, Please continue
to pray for him, as the Dr. will now be monitoring the pressure so closely especially this first year as if you remember from above it is so important to prevent vision loss.
Stay tuned for more updates as he recovers and our little boy comes back to life. Until then with a sigh of some relief and yet still on pins and needles, and on our knees, Heather and I thank all of you for your love and prayers.
God bless!