Quick update on Trek

So sorry we have not called more of you. It can be so much to keep everyone updated with every detail. So here is a quick snap shot of everything since surgery day. He did pretty well with recovery, but we felt like he was still pretty sensitive and so we went back into the doctor that next Tues. He then switched up the drops a bit and said come see him on Friday. Went in on Friday and he got called into surgery and so we went back in to see him on Monday. He said he felt the left eye looked great and was still optomistic about the right, but thought we should move up his first EUA (Exam Under Anesthesia) to check his pressure. So this was scheduled for just this last Tuesday.

What a nightmare this was. We found out the time like early Tuesday morn and they told us no food for 4 hours before he goes under and so we stopped feeding at 12 since he was scheduled for 4:30. Well needless to say when we got there they told us what they meant was breast feeding only for 4 hours and all other food 6. So since he had some cereal we had to wait two more hours and then another 40 min for the doctor. So after being there at 2:30 as you have to be there 2 hours early, and then waiting forever, keep in mind the exam itself is only 15 min or so. So finally he went in for the exam, and before I forget they always have to monitor him for two hours after the exam as well. So needless to say we were there till 9:50 at night. I guess we should get used to these long exams as he will have to have these EUA's once a month at least for the first year or so.

Dr. came back out and confirmed that his left eye looked awesome and that his pressure was at a 14, but then also confirmed what we thought, that his right eye was still at about 27. He said he is not concerned at this point with vision loss and says he thinks it is still better than before surgery and he wanted to do some more things with meds and wait two more weeks before even thinking about another surgery to go in and put in a shunt or tube to help the right eye. So he sent us home and said if he does not improve call him right away, but that we would schedule another EUA for about 2 weeks out, and if we do not see really good improvement that he would also invite the other glaucoma doctor to be there, as he does not do the secondary type of surgery and the adult glaucoma surgeons do.

So in summary we are yet waiting again and continuing to pray for a miracle. Trek is doing awesome and he is the best baby anyone could ask for. Even when starving and waiting he is full of smiles and laughs and then just naps when he is tired. His eyes are doing better and he definitely does not keep them closed anymore. Also just today, we are really praying God is bringing him around, as he has been looking up all day and we even went outside a few times and he at least tried to open his eyes. Still quite a squint, but he did not bury his head immediately. So we are really praying that his right will come around and not need another surgery. Father, we pray that you continue to reduce the pressure in his right eye, and cause a complete healing.

Thanks again to all those who are praying and please continue.